Vulnerable Person Policy.


Section 1: Safeguarding Adults


Taylor's is committed to Safeguarding Adults in line with national legislation and relevant
national and local guidelines.

We will safeguard adults by ensuring that our activities are delivered in a way which
keeps all adults safe.

Taylor's is committed to creating a culture of zero-tolerance of harm to adults which
necessitates: the recognition of adults who may be at risk and the circumstances which
may increase risk; knowing how adult abuse, exploitation or neglect manifests itself; and
being willing to report safeguarding concerns.

This extends to recognising and reporting harm experienced anywhere, including within
our activities, within other organised community or voluntary activities, in the community,
in the person's own home and in any care setting.

Taylor's is committed to best safeguarding practice and to uphold the rights of all adults
to live a life free from harm from abuse, exploitation and neglect.


Policy Statement

Taylor's believes everyone has the right to live free from abuse or neglect regardless of
age, ability or disability, sex, race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, marital or
gender status.

Taylor's is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and positive environment and an
open, listening culture where people feel able to share concerns without fear of

Taylor's acknowledges that safeguarding is everybody's responsibility and is committed to
prevent abuse and neglect through safeguarding the welfare of all adults involved.

Taylor's recognises that health, well-being, ability, disability and need for care and
support can affect a person's resilience. We recognise that some people experience
barriers, for example, to communication in raising concerns or seeking help. We
recognise that these factors can vary at different points in people's lives.

Taylor's recognises that there is a legal framework within which sports need to work to
safeguard adults who have needs for care and support and for protecting those who are
unable to take action to protect themselves and will act in accordance with the relevant
safeguarding adult legislation and with local statutory safeguarding procedures.

Actions taken by Taylor's will be consistent with the principles of adult safeguarding
ensuring that any action taken is prompt, proportionate and that it includes and respects
the voice of the adult concerned.


The purpose of this policy is to demonstrate the commitment of Taylor's to safeguarding
adults and to ensure that everyone involved in Taylor's is aware of:

• The legislation, policy and procedures for safeguarding adults.
• Their role and responsibility for safeguarding adults.
• What to do or who to speak to if they have a concern relating to the welfare or

wellbeing of an adult within the organisation.

This safeguarding adult policy and associated procedures apply to all individuals involved
in Taylor's including management and employees and to all concerns about the safety of
adults whilst taking part in our organisation, its activities and in the wider community.
We expect our partner organisations, including for example, suppliers, to adopt and
demonstrate their commitment to the principles and practice as set out in this
Safeguarding Adults Policy and associated procedures.

In order to implement this policy Taylor's will ensure that:

• Everyone involved with Taylor's is aware of the safeguarding adult procedures and

knows what to do and who to contact if they have a concern relating to the welfare
or wellbeing of an adult.

• Any concern that an adult is not safe is taken seriously, responded to promptly, and
followed up in line with Taylor's Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures.

• The well-being of those at risk of harm will be put first and the adult actively
supported to communicate their views and the outcomes they want to achieve. Those
views and wishes will be respected and supported unless there are overriding reasons
not to (see the Safeguarding Adults Procedures).

• Any actions taken will respect the rights and dignity of all those involved and be
proportionate to the risk of harm.

• Confidential, detailed and accurate records of all safeguarding concerns are
maintained and securely stored in line with our Data Protection Policy and Procedures


• Taylor's will cooperate with the Police and the relevant Local Authorities in taking
action to safeguard an adult.

• All Board members, staff, officials and volunteers understand their role and
responsibility for safeguarding adults and have completed and are up to date with
safeguarding adult training and learning opportunities appropriate for their role.

• Taylor's uses safe recruitment practices and continually assesses the suitability of
volunteers and staff to prevent the employment/deployment of unsuitable individuals in
this organisation and within the sporting community.

• Taylor's shares information about anyone found to be a risk to adults with the
appropriate bodies. For example: Disclosure and Barring Service, Services, Police,
Local Authority/Social Services.

• Actions taken under this policy are reviewed by the management on an annual basis.

• This policy, related policies (see below) and the Safeguarding Adults Procedures are
reviewed no less than on a two yearly basis.



Taylor's is committed to developing and maintaining its capability to implement this policy
and procedures.
In order to do so the following will be in place:

• A clear line of accountability within the organisation for the safety and welfare of
all adults.

• Access to relevant legal and professional advice.
• Safeguarding adult procedures that deal effectively with any concerns of abuse or

neglect, including those caused through poor practice.
• A process for forming a Case Management Group on a case by case basis within

clear terms of reference.
• Arrangements to work effectively with other relevant organisations to safeguard and

promote the welfare of adults, including arrangements for sharing information.
• Risk assessments that specifically include safeguarding of adults.
• Policies and procedures that address the following areas and which are consistent

with this Safeguarding Adults policy.

ü Safeguarding Children
ü Bullying and harassment
ü Social Media
ü Equality, diversity and inclusion
ü Safe activities risk assessments
ü Code of Conducts and a process

for breach of these - Staff,
Coaches, Officials, Volunteers,
Carers/Personal Assistants, Fans

ü Discipline and grievance
ü Concerns, Complaints and

ü Whistleblowing
ü Safe recruitment and selection

(staff and volunteers)
ü Contract compliance
ü Information policy, data protection

and information sharing


Section 2: Supporting


Key Points

Adults at risk are defined in legislation and the criteria applied differs between each
home nation. (see definitions for each home nation on page 12).

• The safeguarding legislation applies to all forms of abuse that harm a person's well-

• The law provides a framework for good practice in safeguarding that makes the
overall well-being of the adult at risk a priority of any intervention.

• The law in all four home nations emphasises the importance of person-centred
(referred to as ‘Making Safeguarding Personal' in England).

• The law provides a framework for making decisions on behalf of adults who can't
make decisions for themselves (Mental Capacity).

• The law provides a framework for sports organisations to share concerns they have
about adults at risk with the local authority.

• The law provides a framework for all organisations to share information and
to protect adults at risk.


Safeguarding Adults Legislation

Safeguarding Adults in all home nations is compliant with United Nations directives on
the rights of disabled people and commitments to the rights of older people. It is
covered by:

• The Human Rights Act 1998
• The Data Protection Act 2018
• General Data Protection Regulations 2018

The practices and procedures within this policy are based on the relevant legislation and
government guidance.

• England - The Care Act 2014
Care and Support Statutory Guidance (especially chapter 14) 2014

• Wales - Social Services and Well Being Act 2014
Wales Safeguarding Procedures 2019

• Scotland - Adult Support and Protection Act 2007
Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007 Code of Practice 2014

• Northern Ireland - Adult Safeguarding Prevention and Protection in
Partnership 2015

Many other pieces of UK and home nation legislation also affect adult safeguarding.
These include legislation about different forms of abuse and those that govern information

• Murder/attempted murder
• Physical Assault
• Sexual Offences
• Domestic Abuse/Coercive

• Forced Marriage
• Female Genital Mutilation
• Theft and Fraud

• Modern slavery and Human

• Hate crime
• Harassment
• Listing and Barring of those

unsuitable to work with adults
with care and support needs


Definition of an Adult at Risk
The Safeguarding Adults legislation creates specific responsibilities on Local Authorities,
Health, and the Police to provide additional protection from abuse and neglect to Adults
at Risk.

When a Local Authority has reason to believe there is an adult at risk, they have a
responsibility to find out more about the situation and decide what actions need to be
taken to support the adult. In Scotland and Wales, the Local Authority can gain access
to an adult to find out if they are at risk of harm for example, if that access is being
blocked by another person.

The actions that need to be taken might be by the Local Authority (usually social
services) and/or by other agencies, for example the Police and Health. A sporting
organisation may need to take action as part of safeguarding an adult, for example, to
use the disciplinary procedures in relation to a member of staff or member who has
been reported to be harming a participant. The Local Authority role includes having
multi-agency procedures which coordinate the actions taken by different organisations.

An Adult at risk is

England (Care Act 2014)
An adult at risk is an individual aged 18
years and over who:
(a) has needs for care and support

(whether or not the local authority is
meeting any of those needs) AND;

(b) is experiencing, or at risk of, abuse or
neglect, AND;

(c) as a result of those care and support
needs is unable to protect themselves
from either the risk of, or the
experience of abuse or neglect.


Abuse and Neglect
Abuse is a violation of an individual's human and civil rights by another person or
persons. It can occur in any relationship and may result in significant harm to, or
exploitation of, the person subjected to it. Any or all of the following types of abuse may
be perpetrated as the result of deliberate intent, negligence, omission or ignorance.
There are different types and patterns of abuse and neglect and different circumstances
in which they may take place.
Safeguarding legislation in each home nation lists categories of abuse differently however,
they all include the following types of abuse:

• Physical
• Sexual
• Psychological
• Neglect
• Financial

Abuse can take place in any relationship and there are many contexts in which abuse
might take place; e.g. Institutional abuse, Domestic Abuse, Forced Marriage, Human
Trafficking, Modern Slavery, Sexual Exploitation, County Lines, Radicalisation, Hate Crime,
Mate Crime, Cyber bullying, Scams. Some of these are named specifically within home
nation legislations.

Abuse can take place within a sporting context and the person causing harm might be
any other person. For example: a member of staff, a coach, a volunteer, a participant or
a fan.

Some examples of abuse within sport include:

• Harassment of a participant because of their (perceived) disability or other
protected characteristics.

• Not meeting the needs of the participant e.g. training without a necessary break.
• A coach intentionally striking an athlete
• One elite participant controlling another athlete with threats of withdrawal from their

• An official who sends unwanted sexually explicit text messages to a participant

with learning disabilities.


• A participant threatens another participant with physical harm and persistently
blames them for poor performance.

Abuse or neglect outside sport could be carried out by:
• A spouse, partner or family member
• Neighbours or residents
• Friends, acquaintances or strangers
• People who deliberately exploit adults they perceive as vulnerable
• Paid staff, professionals or volunteers providing care and support

Often the perpetrator is known to the adult and may be in a position of trust and/or


Table 2
The Safeguarding Adults Legislation in each Home Country defines categories of adult
abuse and harm as follows.

England (Care Act 2014)

Neglect and acts of Omission
Financial or material abuse
Organisational / Institutional
Domestic Abuse (including coercive
Modern slavery


Signs and Indicators of Abuse and Neglect
An adult may confide to a member of staff, coach, volunteer or another participant that
they are experiencing abuse inside or outside of the organisation's setting. Similarly,
others may suspect that this is the case.

There are many signs and indicators that may suggest someone is being abused or
neglected. There may be other explanations, but they should not be ignored. The signs
and symptoms include but are not limited to:

• Unexplained bruises or injuries – or

lack of medical attention when an
injury is present.

• Person has belongings or money
going missing.

• Person is not attending / no longer
enjoying their sessions. You may
notice that a participant in a team
has been missing from practice
sessions and is not responding to
reminders from team members or

• Someone losing or gaining weight /
an unkempt appearance. This could
be a player whose appearance
becomes unkempt, does not wear
suitable sports kit and there is a
deterioration in hygiene.

• A change in the behaviour or
confidence of a person. For example,
a participant may be looking quiet
and withdrawn when their brother
comes to collect them from sessions
in contrast to their personal assistant
whom they greet with a smile.

• Self-harm.
• A fear of a particular group of people

or individual.
• A parent/carer always speaks for the

person and doesn't allow them to
make their own choices

• They may tell you / another person
they are being abused – i.e. a


Wellbeing Principle
The concept of ‘well-being' is threaded throughout UK legislation and is part of the Law
about how health and social care is provided. Our well-being includes our mental and
physical health, our relationships, our connection with our communities and our
contribution to society.

Being able to live free from abuse and neglect is a key element of well-being.

The legislation recognises that statutory agencies have sometimes acted disproportionately
in the past. For example, removing an adult at risk from their own home when there
were other ways of preventing harm. In the words of Justice Mumby ‘What good is it
making someone safe when we merely make them miserable?' What Price Dignity?

For that reason any actions taken to safeguard an adult must take their whole well-being
into account and be proportionate to the risk of harm.

Person Centred Safeguarding/ Making Safeguarding
The legislation also recognises that adults make choices that may mean that one part of
our well-being suffers at the expense of another – for example we move away from
friends and family to take a better job. Similarly, adults can choose to risk their personal
safety; for example, to provide care to a partner with dementia who becomes abusive
when they are disorientated and anxious.

None of us can make these choices for another adult. If we are supporting someone to
make choices about their own safety we need to understand ‘What matters' to them and
what outcomes they want to achieve from any actions agencies take to help them to
protect themselves.

The concept of ‘Person Centred Safeguarding'/'Making Safeguarding Personal' means
engaging the person in a conversation about how best to respond to their situation in a
way that enhances their involvement, choice and control, as well as improving their


quality of life, well-being and safety. Organisations work to support adults to achieve the
outcomes they want for themselves. The adult's views, wishes, feelings and beliefs must
be taken into account when decisions are made about how to support them to be safe.
There may be many different ways to prevent further harm. Working with the person will
mean that actions taken help them to find the solution that is right for them. Treating
people with respect, enhancing their dignity and supporting their ability to make decisions
also helps promote people's sense of self-worth and supports recovery from abuse.

If someone has difficulty making their views and wishes known, then they can be
supported or represented by an advocate. This might be a safe family member or friend
of their choice or a professional advocate (usually from a third sector organisation).

Table 1 The Principles of Adult Safeguarding

England (Care Act 2014)
The Act's principles are:
Empowerment - People being supported and encouraged to make their own

decisions and informed consent.
Prevention – It is better to take action before harm occurs.
Proportionality – The least intrusive response appropriate to the risk presented.
Protection – Support and representation for those in greatest need.
Partnership – Local solutions through services working with their communities.

Communities have a part to play in preventing, detecting and reporting neglect and

Accountability – Accountability and transparency in delivering safeguarding.

Mental Capacity and Decision Making
We make many decisions every day, often without realising. UK Law assumes that all
people over the age of 16 have the ability to make their own decisions, unless it has
been proved that they can't. It also gives us the right to make any decision that we
need to make and gives us the right to make our own decisions even if others consider
them to be unwise.


We make so many decisions that it is easy to take this ability for granted. The Law
says that to make a decision we need to:

® Understand information
® Remember it for long enough
® Think about the information
® Communicate our decision

A person's ability to do this may be affected by things such as learning disability,
dementia, mental health needs, acquired brain injury and physical ill health.

Most adults have the ability to make their own decisions given the right support however,
some adults with care and support needs have the experience of other people making
decisions about them and for them.
Some people can only make simple decisions like which colour T-shirt to wear or can
only make decisions if a lot of time is spent supporting them to understand the options.
If someone has a disability that means they need support to understand or make a
decision this must be provided. A small number of people cannot make any decisions.
Being unable to make a decision is called “lacking mental capacity”.

Mental capacity refers to the ability to make a decision at the time that decision is
needed. A person's mental capacity can change. If it is safe/possible to wait until they
are able to be involved in decision making or to make the decision themselves.

For example:

• A person with epilepsy may not be able to make a decision following a seizure.
• Someone who is anxious may not be able to make a decision at that point.
• A person may not be able to respond as quickly if they have just taken some

medication that causes fatigue.
Mental Capacity is important for safeguarding for several reasons.

Not being allowed to make decisions one is capable of making is abuse. For example,
a disabled adult may want to take part in an activity but their parent who is their carer
won't allow them to and will not provide the support they would need. Conversely the
adult may not seem to be benefiting from an activity other people are insisting they do.

Another situation is where an adult is being abused and they are scared of the
consequences of going against the views of the person abusing them. It is recognised
in the law as coercion and a person can be seen not to have mental capacity because


they cannot make ‘free and informed decisions'.

Mental Capacity must also be considered when we believe abuse or neglect might be
taking place. It is important to make sure an ‘adult at risk' has choices in the actions
taken to safeguard them, including whether or not they want other people informed about
what has happened, however, in some situations the adult may not have the mental
capacity to understand the choice or to tell you their views.

Each home nation has legislation that describes when and how we can make decisions
for people who are unable to make decisions for themselves. The principles are the

• We can only make decisions for other people if they cannot do that for
themselves at the time the decision is needed.

• If the decision can wait, wait – e.g. to get help to help the person make their
decision or until they can make it themselves.

• If we have to make a decision for someone else then we must make the decision
in their best interests (for their benefit) and take into account what we know about
their preferences and wishes.

• If the action we are taking to keep people safe will restrict them then we must
think of the way to do that which restricts to their freedom and rights as little as

Many potential difficulties with making decisions can be overcome with preparation. A
person needing support to help them make decisions whilst taking part in a sports
organisation will ordinarily be accompanied by someone e.g. a family member or formal
carer whose role includes supporting them to make decisions.

It is good practice to get as much information about the person as possible. Some
people with care and support needs will have a ‘One page profile' or a ‘This is me'
document that describes important things about them. Some of those things will be
about how to support the person, their routines, food and drink choices etc. but will also
include things they like and don't like doing. It's also important to have an agreement
with the person who has enrolled the adult in the sports activity about how different
types of decisions will be made on a day to day basis.

If a person who has a lot of difficulty making their own decisions is thought to be being
abused or neglected you will need to refer the situation to the Local Authority, and this
should result in health or social care professionals making an assessment of mental
capacity and/or getting the person the support they need to make decisions.


There may be times when a sporting organisation needs to make decisions on behalf of
an individual in an emergency. Decisions taken in order to safeguard an adult who
cannot make the decision for themselves could include:

• Sharing information about safeguarding concerns with people that can help protect

• Stopping them being in contact with the person causing harm.

Recording and Information Sharing
Taylor's must comply with the Data Protection Act (DPA) and the General Data
Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Information about concerns of abuse includes personal data. It is therefore important to
be clear as to the grounds for processing and sharing information about concerns of

Processing information includes record keeping. Records relating to safeguarding concerns
must be accurate and relevant. They must be stored confidentially with access only to
those with a need to know.

Sharing information, with the right people, is central to good practice in safeguarding
adults. However, information sharing must only ever be with those with a ‘need to know'.
This does NOT automatically include the persons spouse, partner, adult, child, unpaid or
paid carer. Information should only be shared with family and friends and/or carers with
the consent of the adult or if the adult does not have capacity to make that decision and
family/ friends/ carers need to know in order to help keep the person safe.

The purpose of Data Protection legislation is not to prevent information sharing but to
ensure personal information is only shared appropriately. Data protection legislation
allows information sharing within an organisation. For example:

• Anyone who has a concern about harm can make a report to an appropriate
person within the same organisation

• Case management meetings can take place to agree to co-ordinate actions by the

There are also many situations in which it is perfectly legal to share information about
adult safeguarding concerns outside the organisation. Importantly personal information can


be shared with the consent of the adult concerned. However, the adult may not always
want information to be shared. This may be because they fear repercussions from the
person causing harm or are scared that they will lose control of their situation to
statutory bodies or because they feel stupid or embarrassed. Their wishes should be
respected unless there are over-riding reasons for sharing information.

The circumstances when we need to share information without the adult's consent include
those where:

• it is not safe to contact the adult to gain their consent – i.e. it might put them or
the person making contact at further risk.

• you believe they or someone else is at risk, including children.
• you believe the adult is being coerced or is under duress.
• it is necessary to contact the police to prevent a crime, or to report that a serious

crime has been committed.
• the adult does not have mental capacity to consent to information being shared

about them.
• the person causing harm has care and support needs.
• the concerns are about an adult at risk living in Wales or Northern Ireland (where

there is a duty to report to the Local Authority).
When information is shared without the consent of the adult this must be explained to
them, when it is safe to do so, and any further actions should still fully include them.

If you are in doubt as to whether to share information seek advice e.g. seek legal advice
and/or contact the Local Authority and explain the situation without giving personal details
about the person at risk or the person causing harm.

Any decision to share or not to share information with an external person or organisation
must be recorded together with the reasons to share or not share information.

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